Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Journal 14 Declaration of Kirk

The Declaration of Kirk is a very precious thing. It is how the man named Kirk Robert !@#$% lives by. It goes a little like this - I Kirk Robert !@#$% am on this day of the third day of this December in the year of nineteen hundred and ninety three in the village of Alytus in the beautiful and godly country of Lithuania am now born to this planet they call earth. From this day forth and for all of the days of my my long and prosperous life will I always be the best man alive. When I am young I will move to the village of Springfield in the state of Illinois and be nice to everybody around because I am just that nice of a kid. I will walk around like I own the place because I do. I am Kirk Robert !@#$%! If someone comes by me on the street and waves at me I will wave back because I am a nice kid. I will be loving towards all the creatures of the land. I am one of these creatures of the planet and I follow the golden rule. When I grow to the age of two, Nile !@#$%^&* and I will play the game of soccer and we will thrive on the prarie grasslands of central Illinois and create a dynasty that no one besides Alexander the Great can compare. I will go to the school of Pleasant Plains throughout my life and try my hardest at school because I care! I will respect women when I am on a date, I take them to a park and maybe the museum and I will only try to kiss them if they are ready. I will help my mom and dad by getting a job so I can help pay for school supplies! When I walk into a house I will wipe my shoes on the mat because someone just cleaned that floor. I Kirk Robert !@#$% will live by these values and I will be a very nice person to everyone.


  1. Seems like Kirk Robert !@#$% is quite the stand-up fellow. Thank you for sharing this insight with me.

    Your support was very good, and you stated many facts about how Kirk was planning to live his life and his personal code.

    Your ideas are very original and interesting.

  2. Matt, I agree with Jordan there. It was an interesting and different though pattern and made the Declaration of Kirk Robert !@#$% stand out. Thanks.

  3. Good blog and it gave a lot of detail about the character of Kirk Robert !@#$% very interesting character development and it was extremely believable.
