Monday, November 15, 2010

Journal 23 - Unplugging

I think if some one were to "unplug" their life from all of their electrical things in their life it would be a really good thing for them. In my opinion you do not really need things that function on electricity. Back in my day we did not have no fancy schmancy electrical thingy mabobbers like those fancy cellular devices and radios. In my day we men were tough, we did not need no feminine mechanisms like those palm pads to accomplish things we men can do with our hands and the number one tool - our brains. Anyway, back to the subject. I would probably go to the middle of the back land woods in West Virginia where the cannibals from the Wrong Turn movies are supposed to be residing at. I think that it would be very relaxing just to be camping maybe with two or three of my best friends and just chill out in the woods for a day, a week, however long. It would be like the movie Without a Paddle and we would jsut be three guys facing the world and possibly hunting for DB's treasure. But being unconnected form the world and have no worries about anything in the world like stress from school, a job, whatever is causing problems in your life. I love having no worries, like the week of RAGBRAI I basically am just hanging out with two of my best friends for a whole week and the only thing I have to worry about is riding my bike seventy miles in something like fourteen hours. I think that someday I might do something like go away for a week and have no electronic devices. It would be nice and relaxing. It would be a little challenging yes, as I have to admit I am quite addicted to multiple electronic things like my computer (because of this class), my guitar (because I love playing music and I play the electric bass all the time), and my phone (because of my girlfriend but I do not mind being addicted to my phone because it is worth it to talk to her). It might start some good habits if I got away from civilization and "unplugged" my life.

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