Saturday, August 21, 2010

Drum Roll Please and Summary Part two

On with the summary. The sharks take away all of Santiago's weapons. Then Santiago is defenseless against all the sharks and all of these sharks eat all of the meat off of the fish. Santiago rolls up to shore with nothing but the fish's carcass and broken hope. He goes to his apartment/ house and sleeps. He gets woken up by his boyfriend Manolin, and has a nice talk with him. The fishermen measure the carcass and find the fish is eighteen feet long. The end.

Yay! This is my last blog and words can not explain how excited I am to hit that orange Publish Post button below this blog. But I have to have three hundred and twenty five words of this blog for it to count. So I am going to do a review over the books that I have read over the summer!

The first book I read this summer was called Grapes of Wrath and it was written by John Steinbeck. It was really long and boring. The Joads travel to California because their life sucks in Oklahoma and they have many mis adventures along the way there and when they get to California. The second book I read this summer was Fahrenheit 451 and that was written by Ray Bradbury. This was the most predictable book of all time. It was about this married guy Montag who meets a girl he has a crush on then does all this reading, which is illegal. He then gets caught and kills his police chief. He gets chased by a giant mechanical dog but gets away. Montag then finds a group of book lovers and finds out the quote he wants to remember. The final book was The Old Man and the Sea and was written by Ernest Hemingway. It was disappointing and I just told you about that book. Overall the books this summer were pretty terrible and boring to read. I am glad we only had to do two essays, but these blogs have sucked royally and are far worse than a third essay.

But I am done with my summer blogs and can enjoy the final day of my summer with no stress! Yes!


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