Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fahrenheit 451 - Faber Fable?

So I just started the second part of Fahrenheit 451. This second part is called, "the Sieve and the Sand." I wonder if this title has anything to do with the book. at all. The first part did not mean anything to me, or relate to the book (that I know of). Hopefully it can relate because stuff like that really bothers me. But the Sieve and the Sand within Fahrenheit 451 is written by Ray Bradbury. This book so far has been quite interesting, but I just am weirded out by how weird this book is. The society is all wiggity wiggity wack and nothing is normal. It is just the strangest book. I just got done with meeting Faber. well, to where Montag calls Faber for the first time. Faber seems like a strange man. He kind of reminds me of Mr. Spinner in a way just because he is just so out there for this book. He would be a normal person in today's society, but for this book's day and age he is weird. I really hope there are still more Bibles and Shakespeare plays left out there in Montag's world. If there were not, then it would be depressing. The Bible and Shakespeare are two of the most famous literature/ writers of all time. It would just be comfortable for me if I was Montag to know there are still some normal things out there in the world. I can not get over Mildred and how much of a charmer she is. She always treats Montag so nicely and she always talks to him. It is a good thing she puts Montag first, because that is what a wife is supposed to do. Oh wait, that is all not true and Mildred is a black hole. She just sucks. A lot. Hopefully she gets killed before too long. Montag is too good of a guy to have Mildred as his wife. You suck Mildred.

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