Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Old Man and the Sea - Day Four

It is about time Santiago! You finally captured the fish that you have been trying to catch for the past three days! I am of course talking about The Old Man and the Sea, which was written by Ernest Hemingway. My fun fact of the day is the Old Man and the Sea was copy written in 1952! Some author info is that Ernest Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois in 1899. Then he died in the great state of Idaho in 1961. But I just got to the part where Santiago finally kills the giant fish. I wonder what the feeling is like when you just got done with a three day bout with the biggest fish you have ever seen. I would probably be feeling a great sense of pride and manhood. Then I would imagine I would sleep for the longest time ever. I hope Santiago takes back the fish to his village and shows them how good of a fisherman he is. I am sure he will have no people laughing at him anymore. He is way more beastly than the guy off of River Monsters. No one can compare to the great Santiago who is now, in my eyes, seen as the fishing god. Seriously, what a beast! I also have the most respect for the fish as well. He had the same fight as Santiago did, only instead of the line burning his hands, it had a hook stuck in its mouth, which I would imagine would hurt way worse. Your mouth is one of the most tender areas in your body, so I am sure that fish's mouth was not feeling the best for three days. The fish also decided to go down in stardom and take one final leap to show off how much of a beast it was. I want to see what this fish looked like. It would be cool if it had rainbow scales like that one magic fish I read about when I was a small child.

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