Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Old Man and the Sea Summary

I have finished the book, The Old Man and the Sea which was written a while back, almost in ancient times, the year 1951 (at least that is what the copy right date is on the copy right page found in my book) by Ernest Hemingway. I was disappointed in the ending, to say the least, but I did enjoy some of the book. So this is what I got from the book: So there is this old man, who's name is Santiago. Santiago is a cheap old man. He buys nothing in excess and buys only enough to get by on. He likes a little boy named Manolin. Santiago gets made fun of by all of his other fishermen friends because he sucks at catching fish and has not caught a fish in eighty four days. He tells Manolin on one of their dates he wants to go deep into the ocean to end his sucking at fishing and to catch a big fish. Manolin is all like, "I respect you baby, so I am going to give you some live bait." So Santiago starts out in the ocean and goes deep into the middle of nowhere and drops a line. After a little while a fish bites and it carries him away. This fish is strong, and soon enough it has been like two days of trying to catch this fish. Then he sees the fish jump out of the water and it is the biggest one he has ever seen. Then the old man goes crazy and starts talking to the starts and thinking of a man he has a crush on who is a famous baseball player. He brings the fish close to the stern of his boat and kills him with a harpoon. The fish has one last leap of glory and then dies. Santiago ties the fish to the boat and begins to sail back towards land. On his way back the fish bleeds into the water which attracts sharks. Soon there are to many sharks and they gradually take away all of Santiago's weapons.

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