Monday, August 16, 2010

Fahrenheit 451 - Montag is an idiot

Wow. Just wow. Montag is an idiot. I just got done with part one of Fahrenheit 451 called "The Hearth and the Salamander." This book just so happens to be written by Ray Bradbury. I am confused with why part one is named "The Hearth and the Salamander." I mean I can kind of understand hearth because it kind of relates to fire, or a fireplace. Whatever, it is close to being related. But a salamander? What does a small amphibian have to do with what Montag is dealing with in this book? Maybe I missed something during the first part, or forgot about it. Maybe Fahrenheit 451 does have something to do with a salamander. Maybe it is the name of a car or something since all the cars are named very weirdly. Everything about this book is weird. But I have just discovered something very strange: Montag has twenty or so books stashed away. What the heck Montag? I thought we were friends. I mean I would have stuck up for you if you had just stolen that one book, but I can not back you up when you have like twenty books stashed away. That is like having a nuclear bomb in your ventilator. Why are they there? And why have you not told me about these other books before? Whatever, that is not important. All I know is that you are in very deep doo doo now. Beattie is going to come and get you. I wonder who was at the door when someone knocked. I bet it was Clarisse's soul. That would be intense! Can you imagine? No surprise here, but Mildred is still a charmer. She will not stick up for her husband and discover what these books are about. Beattie even told them that they had forty eight hours to look at the books and them turn them in. She is so dumb. Why did you give her breath Ray Bradbury? Why?

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