Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Old Man and the Sea - Day Two Pt. Two

So I am reading The Old Man and the Sea. The Old Man and the Sea was written by Ernest Hemingway. I have figured out so far that the old man is this man named Santiago who is quite old. Then the sea is the sea. At least I am pretty sure. I am not too sure, the sea could represent something like Santiago's sexuality or something like that, but more than likely it is the actual sea. I am through the first two days of the book. Santiago has hooked a beast marlin who never gets tired and pulls he old man's boat basically for a day. He was a tank. As they are getting pulled Santiago sees a pair of porpoises and it reminds him of another time when he mercilessly killed a female dolphin as its male mate was watching this all happen. I can not believe Santiago and his heart. Just who does that? I find it really hard to do blogs for this book because it is just so simple that there is not much to write about. In Fahrenheit 451 I could actually complain about stuff. But The Old Man and the Sea is so boring. There is only two characters and a fish. The fish does not even play a part except for pulling Santiago away from shore and all of the the fishing boats. If I was Santiago I would be beginning to get a little bit scared. I can not even see the shore anymore. They say on a clear day your eye can see four miles on flat land. So I would imagine there are mountains where Santiago is because he is Mexican. Those you can see from like fifteen miles out. So he has quite a long rowing back to shore ahead of him. Imagine how jacked his arms would be though after he got done rowing to shore. He would be super ultra ripped.

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