Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Old Man and the Sea - Day Three Part Two

The Old Man is a champion. Or should I say el campeon? He is used to these all night long ordeals. This one with the marlin, and then before that he had an all night bout with the great negro from Cienfuegos. That probably wore him out I would imagine. But I am beginning to gain some respect for this old man. While he was having a duel with this giant fish, he caught another fish, but not a tiny bass, a frickin dolphin. With one hand. This old man is a legend and is not afraid to be a hero. I am to confused as to why Santiago is still trying to catch this giant fish. Sure, he would be crowned basically the fishing god of all time, but he says the people in the village are not worthy of a fish like this. I thought he was not religious? But here he is, all of a sudden he thinks he is Noah and gets to decide who lives and who dies. Santiago needs to concentrate and keep his mind in the game. I like fish. Oh wait, he did not! While he was taking a break from using his arms he did not take a nap or anything. What an idiot. The Great DiMaggio would have taken a break. Even with a bone spur, but this old man is no great baseball player. He is just a lonely old man who thinks the stars and the fish he is trying to catch are his friends. If only he woke up in the morning, got kicked in the nuts, he might then realize that he is lonely and needs to get out and have a life. I also forgot to mention again that I am reading the Old Man and the Sea. This book, which in no way can be real (this guy is too much of a hero), is written by Ernest Hemingway.

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